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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Collective bargaining report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Collective bargaining report - Assignment Example It is worthy noting that, collective bargaining is a recognized approach of creating a system of industrial jurisprudence. It acts as a method of introducing civil rights in the industry. It is vital to note that, this procedure enhances management by rules and diminishes management characterized by arbitrary decision-making. More over, collective bargaining is a proven procedure that aid in the establishment of regulations, which define and restrict the traditional authority exercised by the management. There are numerous benefits attributed to collective bargaining process2. They include chances of increasing the strength of the employees consequently their bargaining capacity as a team. On the same note, this study establishes that, collective bargaining increases the self-esteem and productivity of the workforce3. Furthermore, it restrains management’s freedom for arbitrary and unilateral actions against the employees. In addition, collective bargaining has played a fundam ental role in ensuring that, fair settlement of the workers’ grievances is secured. This is possible through the provision of a flexible approach for the adjustment of wages and employment conditions to economic and technological changes in the business. This is owing to the reduced chances for conflicts4. On the side of the employers, collective bargaining aid in easier resolving of issues at the bargaining point rather than taking up complaints of individual employees. In addition, collective bargaining widens the channel of communication amid the employees and thereby reducing the cost of labour turnover to management consequently increases employee involvement in decision-making. Furthermore, collective bargaining is fundamental in resolving industrial disputes. Besides benefits of collective bargaining towards both the employee and the employer, this study examines the gains of collective bargaining attributed to the society. The society gains in terms of industrial peac e stability in the country. More over, it facilitates the establishment of a harmonious industrial climate that aid the country to grow economically and socially. Another significant benefit credited to collective bargaining to the society involves constant check of worker’s exploitation and discrimination. The process of negotiation and substance bargaining is complex since it entails numerous stages, which sometimes remain derailed due to disagreements and conditions. Evaluation and selection strategy A negotiation process starts with evaluation and selection of a strategy, which is intended to guide the problem solving5. This normally involves diverse approaches or procedures of mediation or arbitration. Making contact with other parties The second stage involves making contact with the other party or parties this stage enhances building of personal credibility and promoting commitment tot he procedures set. Collection and analysis of background information The third stage involves the collection and analyzing the background information. The relevant information collected is fundamental in understanding the dynamism exhibited by the participants. In addition, it enhances verification of the data accuracy and minimizes unavailable data. Designing of the negotiation plan The fourth stage involves designing of a detailed plan for negotiation. This

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